1/* Rescue Princess, by Lanlan Pang. */
    3:- dynamic i_am_at/1, at/2, holding/1, buy_only_at/2, alive/1, money/1.    4:- retractall(at(_, _)), retractall(i_am_at(_)), retractall(alive(_)),
    5   retractall(buy_only_at(_, _)), retractall(alive(_)), retractall((money(_)).
    7/* This defines my current location and initial money. */
   12/* These facts describe how the rooms are connected. */
   14path(treasurechest, e, tunnel).
   15path(tunnel, w, treasurechest).
   16path(tunnel, s, crystalball).
   17path(crystalball, n, tunnel).
   18path(tunnel, n, smalldoor).
   19path(smalldoor, s, tunnel) :- at(badge, in_hand).
   20path(smalldoor, s, tunnel) :-
   21                write('Oh, the door seems to be loocked, there is '), nl,
   22				write('a guardian angle, could you find a badge and give'), nl,
   23				write('it to the angle, he will open the door for you.'), nl, fail.
   24path(smalldoor, w, rockcave).
   25path(rockcave, e, smalldoor).
   26path(smalldoor, e, logcabin).
   27path(logcabin, w, smalldoor).
   28path(logcabin, n, store).
   29path(store, s, logcabin).
   30path(logcabin, e, bridge) :- at(horse, in_hand).
   31path(logcabin, e, bridge) :-
   32                  write('Oh, you can not across the bridge without horse.'), nl, fail.
   33path(bridge, w, logcabin).
   34path(store, e, forest).
   35path(forest, w, store).
   36path(tunnel, e, entrance_wetland).
   37path(entrance_wetland, w, tunnel).
   38path(entrance_wetland, s, wetland).
   39path(wetland, n, entrance_wetland).
   40path(bridge, e, river).
   41path(river, w, bridge).
   42path(river, n, volcano).
   43path(volcano, s, river).
   44path(river, e, devil_monster).
   45path(devil_monster, w, river).
   47/* These facts tell where the various objects in the game
   48   are located. */
   50at(diamond, treasurechest).
   51at(ruby, rockcave).
   52at(magic_wand, crystalball).
   53at(badge, forest).
   54/* at(horse, entrance_wetland). */
   55buy_only_at(grass, store).
   56buy_only_at(vitamin, store).
   59/* This fact specifies that the monster is alive. */
   63/* These rules describe how to pick up an object. */
   65take(X) :-
   66        at(X, in_hand),
   67        write('You''re already holding it!'),
   68        nl, !.
   70take(X) :-
   71        i_am_at(Place),
   72        at(X, Place),
   73        retract(at(X, Place)),
   74        assert(at(X, in_hand)),
   75        write('OK.'),
   76        nl, !.
   78take(_) :-
   79        write('I don''t see it here.'),
   80        nl.
   83/* These rules describe how to put down an object. */
   85drop(X) :-
   86        at(X, in_hand),
   87        i_am_at(Place),
   88        retract(at(X, in_hand)),
   89        assert(at(X, Place)),
   90        write('OK.'),
   91        nl, !.
   93drop(_) :-
   94        write('You aren''t holding it!'),
   95        nl.
   97/* The rules describe how to sell an item. */
   99sell(X) :-
  100        i_am_at(store),
  101        at(X, in_hand),
  102        (at(diamond, in_hand) ; at(ruby, in_hand)),
  103        retract(at(X, in_hand)),
  104        retract(money(M)),
  105        N is M + 100,
  106        assert(money(N)),
  107        write('Your balance is: '), 
  108        write(N), nl, !.
  109sell(X) :-
  110        i_am_at(store),
  111        at(X, in_hand),
  112        write('You can not sell this item at store!'), nl, !.
  113sell(_) :-
  114        i_am_at(market),
  115        write('You don''t have it!'), nl, !.
  116sell(_) :-
  117        write('You''re not at the store!'),
  118        nl.
  120/* The rules describe how to buy an item. */
  122buy(X) :-
  123        i_am_at(store),
  124        buy_only_at(X, store),
  125        money(M), M >= 100,
  126        retract(buy_only_at(X, store)),
  127        assert(at(X, in_hand)),
  128        retract(money(M)),
  129        N is M - 100,
  130        assert(money(N)),
  131        write('Your balance is : '), 
  132        write(N), nl, !.
  133buy(X) :-
  134        i_am_at(store),
  135        buy_only_at(X, store),
  136        write('You don''t have enough money!'), nl, !.
  137buy(_) :-
  138        i_am_at(store),
  139        write('This item is not available in the store!'), nl, !.
  140buy(_) :-
  141        write('You''re not at the store!'),
  142        nl.
  145/* These rules define the direction letters as calls to go. */
  147n :- go(n).
  149s :- go(s).
  151e :- go(e).
  153w :- go(w).
  155/* The rules display all the items you're now holding. */
  156display :-
  157        at(X, in_hand),
  158        write(X), nl, fail.
  160/* This rule tells how to move in a given direction. */
  162go(Direction) :-
  163        i_am_at(Here),
  164        path(Here, Direction, There),
  165        retract(i_am_at(Here)),
  166        assert(i_am_at(There)),
  167        !, look.
  169go(_) :-
  170        write('You can''t go that way.').
  173/* This rule tells how to look about you. */
  175look :-
  176        i_am_at(Place),
  177        describe(Place),
  178        nl,
  179        notice_objects_at(Place),
  180        nl.
  183/* These rules set up a loop to mention all the objects
  184   in your vicinity. */
  186notice_objects_at(Place) :-
  187        at(X, Place),
  188        write('There is a '), write(X), write(' here.'), nl,
  189        fail.
  193/* These rules tell how to handle killing the devil_monster. */
  195kill :-
  196       i_am_at(wetland),
  197	   write('There is a spider here, you died!'), nl,
  198	   !, die.
  199kill :-
  200        i_am_at(devil_monster),
  201        at(magic_wand, in_hand),
  202        retract(alive(devil_monster)),
  203        write('You hack repeatedly at the devil_monster''s back.  Slimy ichor'), nl,
  204        write('gushes out of the devil_monster''s back, and gets all over you.'), nl,
  205        write('I think you have killed it, despite the continued twitching.'), nl, 
  206		write('You successfully rescue the princess, congratulations!'), nl, 
  207		finish, !.		
  208kill :-
  209        write('I see nothing inimical here.'), nl.
  210kill :-
  211        i_am_at(devil_monster),
  212        write('Run! You can not win the devil_monster without the magic_wand.'), nl.		
  214/* This rule tells how to die. */
  216die :-
  217        finish.
  219/* Under UNIX, the "halt." command quits Prolog but does not
  220   remove the output window. On a PC, however, the window
  221   disappears before the final output can be seen. Hence this
  222   routine requests the user to perform the final "halt." */
  224finish :-
  225        nl,
  226        write('The game is over. Please enter the "halt." command.'),
  227        nl.
  230/* This rule just writes out game instructions. */
  232instructions :-
  233        nl,
  234        write('Enter commands using standard Prolog syntax.'), nl,
  235        write('Available commands are:'), nl,
  236        write('start.             -- to start the game.'), nl,
  237        write('n.  s.  e.  w.     -- to go in that direction.'), nl,
  238        write('take(Object).      -- to pick up an object.'), nl,
  239        write('drop(Object).      -- to put down an object.'), nl,
  240		write('sell(Object).       -- to sell an item at the store.'), nl,
  241		write('buy(Object).       -- to buy an item at the store.'), nl,
  242		write('kill               -- to attack an enemy.'), nl,
  243        write('look.              -- to look around you again.'), nl,
  244		write('display.           -- to display the item you are holding.'), nl,
  245        write('instructions.      -- to see this message again.'), nl,
  246        write('halt.              -- to end the game and quit.'), nl,
  247        nl.
  250/* This rule prints out instructions and tells where you are. */
  252start :-
  253        instructions,
  254        look.
  257/* These rules describe the various rooms.  Depending on
  258   circumstances, a room may have more than one description. */
  260describe(treasurechest) :-
  261        at(diamond, in_hand),
  262        write('You are now in a treasure chest.'), nl,
  263        write('You have got the diamond, the chest is empty now.'), nl,
  264		write('To the east is the tunnel.'), nl, !.
  266describe(treasurechest) :-
  267		write('You are now in a treasure chest.'), nl,
  268        write('Please take the diamond.'), nl,
  269		write('To the east is the tunnel.'), nl.
  271describe(crystalball) :-
  272        at(magic_wand, in_hand),
  273        write('You are in a crystal ball.'), nl,
  274		write('You have got the magic_wand, the crystalball is empty now.'), nl,
  275        write('To the north is the locked tunnel.'), nl, !.
  277describe(crystalball) :-
  278        write('You are in a crystal ball.'), nl,
  279		write('Please take the magic_wand.'), nl,
  280        write('To the north is the locked tunnel.'), nl.
  282describe(tunnel) :-
  283        write('You are in a tunnel.'), nl,
  284        write('You give your badge to the guardian angle of the tunnel, you can enter the tunnel now'), nl,
  285        write('To the west is the treasure chest.'), nl,
  286		write('To the east is the entrance of wetland.'), nl,
  287		write('To the south is the crystal ball.'), nl,
  288		write('To the north is a unlocked small door.'), nl.
  290describe(smalldoor) :-
  291        write('You are in a small unlocked door.'), nl,
  292        write('To the west is the rock cave.'), nl,
  293		write('To the east is the log cabin.'), nl,
  294		write('To the south is the locked tunnel.'), nl.
  296describe(rockcave) :-
  297        at(ruby, in_hand),
  298        write('You are in a rock cave.'), nl,
  299		write('You have got the ruby and the rock cave is empty now'), nl,
  300        write('To the east is a small unlocked door'), nl, !.
  302describe(rockcave) :-
  303        write('You are in a rock cave please take the ruby.'), nl,
  304        write('To the east is a small unlocked door'), nl.
  306describe(logcabin) :-
  307        write('You are in a log cabin.'), nl,
  308        write('To the west is a unlocked small door.'), nl,
  309		write('To the east is the bridge which is the road to the LOST LAND.'), nl,
  310		write('To the north is the store.'), nl.
  312describe(store) :-
  313        write('You are at a store.'), nl,
  314		write('Ruby worth 100 golden coins, diamond worth 100 golden coins.'), nl,
  315		write('grass costs 100 golden coins, vitamin costs 100 golden coins.'), nl,
  316		write('Your balance is: '), money(X), write(X), write(' golden coins'), nl,
  317		write('Please sell things to earn money or just buy something.'), nl,
  318		write('To the south is the log cabin, to the east is the forest.'), nl.
  320describe(forest) :-
  321        at(badge, in_hand),
  322        write('You are in the forest.'), nl,
  323		write('You have got the badge and forest is empty now'), nl,
  324        write('To the west is the store'), nl, !.
  326describe(forest) :-
  327        write('You are in forest and please take the badge.'), nl,
  328        write('To the west is the store.'), nl.
  330describe(bridge) :-
  331        write('To the west is the log cabin.'), nl,
  332		write('To the east is the river.'), nl.
  334describe(entrance_wetland) :-
  335        at(grass, in_hand),
  336        at(vitamin, in_hand),
  337        write('You are at entrance of wetlan. You have got the horse. It''s empty now'), nl,
  338		write('To the west is the locked tunnel.'), nl,
  339		write('To the south is the wetland. It''s dangerous! '), nl,
  340		assert(at(horse, in_hand)), !.
  342describe(entrance_wetland) :-
  343        at(horse, in_hand),
  344        write('You are at entrance of wetlan. You notice the horse is hidden in this place.'), nl,
  345		write('You use the mixed vitamin grass to allure the horse then get it.'), nl,
  346        write('To the west is the locked tunnel.'), nl,
  347		write('To the south is the wetland. It''s dangerous! '), nl, !.
  349describe(entrance_wetland) :-
  350        at(grass, in_hand),
  351        write('You are at entrance of wetlan. Someting hidden here! Try to find it! The grass is poinsonous'), nl,
  352		write('clue: vitamin'), nl,
  353		write('To the west is the locked tunnel.'), nl,
  354		write('To the south is the wetland. It''s dangerous! '), nl, !.
  356describe(entrance_wetland) :-
  357        write('You are at entrance of wetlan. Someting hidden here! Try to find it!'), nl,
  358		write('clue: vitamin and grass.'), nl,
  359		write('To the west is the locked tunnel.'), nl,
  360		write('To the south is the wetland. It''s dangerous! '), nl.
  362describe(wetland) :-
  363        write('You are at the wetlan. It''s dangerous! This is a spider room! Kill or leave?'), nl,
  364		write('To the west is the locked tunnel.'), nl,
  365		write('To the north is the entrance of wetland.'), nl.
  367describe(river) :-
  368        write('You are at river now.'), nl,
  369		write('To the north is the volcano, it''s dangerous.'), nl,
  370		write('To the west is the bridge.'), nl,
  371		write('To the east is the devil_monster.'), nl.
  373describe(volcano) :-
  374        write('You are at volcano now. You are unable to survive at volcano, the valcano '), nl,
  375	    write('is eruppting! You died!'), nl,
  376	    die.		
  378describe(devil_monster) :-
  379        write('You meet the devil_monster, this is the final boss! Kill it or leave? If want to kill it , just type kill.'), nl,
  380		write('To the west is the river.'), nl